First of all:
Welcome! We are happy to have you.
Who are we?
We are the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ denomination. A denomination that celebrates our diversity and different understandings of faith! It also means we unite in Communion on a weekly basis and welcome ALL to God’s Table.
Sundays at FCC Melbourne: What to expect
Worship is at 10:00am every Sunday morning. Come just as you are – you will find all kinds of caring people, some wearing suits and dresses and others in t-shirts and shorts. Our nursery is open every Sunday from 10:00am until after worship for those who want a safe, nurturing environment for young children.
Where to Find Us
We are located just south of the intersection of US 192 and Babcock St. in Melbourne at 2010 South Babcock St. The Sanctuary can be easily found closest to Babcock St. or by following the signage from the parking lots.