About us!

Our mission at FCCM is “to proclaim the good news by loving Jesus, Others, and Yourself.” Matthew 22:36-40

Our Vision:

to be a nurturing family of faith with joyful worship and compassionate outreach.Adopted: 2003

Our Mission:

to proclaim the good news by loving Jesus Others Yourself.Matthew 22:36-40

Who are we?

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is a body of approximately 800,000 Christian believers in some 3,700 congregations in the United States and Canada.

Our mission comes straight out of the New Testament part of the Bible. It’s our mission to be and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, loving, witnessing and serving from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth.

We believe that God is calling us to be a faithful, growing church that demonstrates true community, deep Christian spirituality and a passion for justice.

In 1832, two American frontier religious movements came together. One, led by Barton Stone, called itself simply, “Christians.” Thomas and Alexander Campbell’s group was called “Disciples of Christ.” One important belief back then and now is that people shouldn’t be forced to put faith in creeds but only in Jesus Christ. Another strong belief is that God wants churches to be in unity instead of in pieces.

Our Mission

“I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples; baptize them in the name of the Father , the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I will be with you always, to the end of the age.” -Jesus —Matthew 28:18

We minister to the community through local services such as Habitat for Humanity, Sharing Center, Daily Bread, Souper Bowl, a partnership with Haiti and others. As the Christian Church, we have missions, schools, colleges, hospitals and care centers around the world.

What do Disciples beleive?

  • We are a diverse group of people who accept and follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Because each of us may be at different mileposts in our journey of Christian faith, we respect each other’s beliefs and experiences. We are expected to grow in our faith through regular worship, study, prayer, and service.
  • Teaching God’s love and values to our children is fundamental.
  • Practical, Bible-based teaching and preaching are related to our lives. God as revealed in the Bible is our authority.
  • The Good News of Jesus Christ calls us into the community of the church. Weekly we worship and celebrate the Lord’s Supper, and we baptize by immersion. With liberating faith, we strive to provide friendship, acceptance, and spiritual guidance through fellowships and Bible education.


Many of us are used to and know when we see CYF/CWF/FCCM/DOC/BMF……..etc., etc., etc., means. But, there are probably a lot of folk in our congregation, newcomers and visitors who have no clue what these and other abbreviations we constantly use really mean. Let us share with everyone what groups they are and who they are for!

  • FCCM – First Christian Church Melbourne (our congregation)
  • DOC – Disciples of Christ (our denomination)
  • CYF – Christian Youth Fellowship – 9th-12th grade
  • Chi Rho – 6th-8th grade (in the works)
  • CWF – Christian Women’s Fellowship – for all women of the church
  • CMF – Christian Men’s Fellowship – for all men of the church
  • VBS – Vacation Bible School – Mid summer

We hope we have enlightened you and we are sure there are others – if you can think of one, let us know and we’ll add it to our list – contact: webmaster@FCCMelbourne.org

New Beginnings

New Beginnings Logo

Come and join us at FCCM as we embark on a new spiritual journey. We have begun the process of “letting go and letting come.” We are living in a very different world than we did 20 years ago. The rules of the economy have changed; the rules for politics have changed; there is a high mistrust of institutions; AND the position of the church in culture has shifted. You will all have the opportunity to participate in small group discussions in the homes of some of the church members. The New Beginnings process will “empower courageous leadership in this new era of mission.” New Beginnings is designed to be an intervention for a congregation that needs to make a decision about its future. It is NOT a problem-solving process in which you name a problem, seek options, and then fix it. The New Beginnings process will help us accept the fact that things have changed so we can get to a new way of being by looking at everything at once, naming our observations without “fixing” anything. Everyone will have a voice in the decisions that are made. We need to hear all of your voices, so please join us. Call the church office at (321) 723-6831 to sign up for one of the small groups. These groups will meet once a week for four weeks. God Bless You in your spiritual journey.